1. Introduction - What I have chosen to call the "Creation Geometries" are played out within the confines of the equilateral triangle associated with the unique cube 216 (6^3), and involve the numerical information supplied by the first 21 words of the Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis 1:1-2). Here is a representation of the cube in question:

In the present context it is appropriate that we understand the cube (epitome of 3D geometry) to be a biblical symbol of holiness (see 1Kings 6:20 and Revelation 21:16). What makes this particular cube unique is that the number of unit cubes from which it is constructed matches the number of unit squares representing its superficial area. We begin by arranging these 216 unit cubes on a flat surface to create the outline of an equilateral triangle (epitome of 2D numerical geometry), thus:

A magnified view of the apex of this triangle is depicted within. Observe that each unit cube is represented by one of its 6 square faces, and that the number of units comprising a side of this triangle is 73.

These preliminaries completed, we are now able to proceed with a demonstration of the remarkable - even miraculous - numero-geometrical features of this portal to the Judeo-Christian Scriptures.

2. The numerical data and associated geometries - Here are the Bible's two opening verses which serve to provide - in a fair alternative reading - the data from which the geometries derive:

The reading is from right to left. Concerning the central word of Genesis 1:1, the asterisk signifies that this is untranslatable; its function is to indicate that the following noun is the definite and direct object of the transitive verb. Here, the hyphens have been ignored - though, as may be later observed, the matter has no influence on the outcome.

Those who wish to check the derivation of the numbers recorded above can find the necessary details here.

The salient features of these data are now set out for analysis, as follows:

Observe that along the right-hand side particular sequences of words are identified by letter and by colour-code. The related numerical geometries are summarised in the following miniatures:

A detail of each of these is provided and may be accessed by clicking appropriately in the following list:


3. The anticipation - It was Stephen Langton who, in early 13th century England, divided the Bible into the 1189 chapters that we find today. Interestingly, this number may be expressed as 289 + 3x300, and in this form is found within our basic triangular outline. The details may be found here.


I rest my case. Clearly, the Bible is absolutely, indelibly, and symbolically watermarked in the early words of its opening chapter!

Vernon Jenkins MSc

email: vernon.jenkins@virgin.net




ADDENDUM - A resolution of differences

The following is a simple yet highly significant feature of Genesis 1:1 which, in the interests of the complete expression of its 'message', must not be overlooked.

We begin by reiterating the essential numerical features of this remarkable verse, thus:

Now observe that the sums of the first two words, the following three, and the final two are, respectively: 1116, 882, and 703, which - for convenience - we shall refer to as P, Q and R. A number of important geometrical implications follow (some of which have already been identified in this page), viz

These developments are summarised in the following diagrams:

An explanation

Recollect that every numerical triangle possessing a single centroid counter is of the form 9t+1 (where t is some elemental triangle drawn from the general series), and is capable of uniting with an inverted copy of itself to produce a symmetrical hexagon/hexagram pair - the hexagon of the form 6t+1, and the hexagram, 12t+1. (Details may be found here). In the case of 703 (=R, above), t = 78 (12th triangle in the general series). Because P - Q = 1116 - 882 = 234 = 3x78 then its addition to R generates 12t+1, and its subtraction from R, 6t+1. (In passing, it is appropriate that we also observe P + Q = 1998 = 3x666!).

Clearly, in its fair alternative reading as a set of numbers, Genesis 1:1 is an intensely packed edifice of coherent geometries - the contemplation of which (bearing in mind that no human author could have fashioned this!) invites the observer to participate in a highly instructive sequence of logical inferences.


Acknowledgement: the author is indebted to Richard McGough (http://www.BibleWheel.com) for bringing this matter to his attention.


Page modifications: 2005-09-08, 2005-09-14, 2005-09-24, 2005-10-25; addendum installed 2006-01-03

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