A Tessellated View of Genesis 1:1

We begin by reminding ourselves of the evaluation of the 7 Hebrew words with which the Bible begins, thus:

Observe that the sum of the odd values, 913 + 86 + 395 + 296, is 1690; and the sum of the evens, 203 + 401 + 407, is 1011. Factorising these sums, we find 1690 = 10 x 169 and 1011 = 3 x 337. Now 169 and 337 are related geometrically in that they represent the 8th numerical hexagon/hexagram pair, thus:

Clearly, the hexagon tesselates with the hexagram, and a tessellated representation of 2701 - value of the Bible's first verse - must therefore comprise 10 of the foregoing hexagons and 3 of the hexagrams. The following trefoil structure is seen to meet these requirements:

Observe that, like its triangular representation, this geometrical rendering of Genesis 1:1 has a threefold symmetry. However, its outline is different - comprising 360 counters rather than 216 (i.e. an increase of 144, or 12^2). Interestingly, the ratio of the outlines - tessellate:triangle - is 360:216, or 1480:888 (i.e. Christ:Jesus), or 5:3 (i.e. length:breadth of the mercy seat - as recorded in Ex.25:17).

Vernon Jenkins MSc

Revised 2007-02-04

Acknowledgement: The author is grateful to Dr Iain Strachan who brought this feature to his attention.